uns in Beziehung stehende Links...
Trinationale Umweltzentrum (TRUZ)
... vereint grenzüberschreitenden Natur- und Umweltschutz
innerhalb dem Dreiländereck, mit den Ländern Deutschland,
Frankreich und der Schweiz. (Webseite in deutsch und französisch)
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Atelier Laibach is directly supporting the re-naturing of former
peat extraction areas of the Somerset Levels. Environmentally,
this is a particularly relevant project for Atelier Laibach to
support. Re-naturing plays a vital role in helping to patch up
the visible and micro-biolological damage caused by the extraction
industry (in the jewellery industry most notably the unnecessary
mining of gold). The sale of pieces made by Kerstin Laibach based
on stones gathered in this region, plus wedding and partnership
rings made for Somerset couples directly benefits this important
work of Somerset Wildlife Trust.
(The Lake Constance Foundation)
... handles ecological concerns and conservation projects around
the region of one of Europe's most important lakes, which is surrounded
by Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The organisation incorporates
twenty environmental protection groups from the three countries.
The sale of pieces made by Kerstin Laibach based on stones gathered
in this region directly benefit the re-naturing and wildlife protection
projects administered through the Lake Constance Foundation.
Seahorse Trust (UK)
... researches the environment and welfare of globally threatened
Seahorses. The sale of pieces made by Kerstin Laibach based on
stones gathered in Dorset region, plus wedding and partnership
rings made for Dorset couples directly benefit the seahorse protection
projects in the Studland Bay area.
SOS India
... works to save India's wildlife. Supporters of WSOS India can
use this
link when buying Laibach
jewellery to enable a percentage of sales donations to go direct
to this organisation.
The Bang!
Eine Kampagne zum Schutz unserer Tier- und
Umwelt, wie auch unserer Gesellschaft, welche durch die Wirkungen
von lauten und exzessiven Feuerwerken beeinträchtigt werden.
mehr... (Webseite in englisch)