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dotOnly recycled precious metals and not directly mined and therefore no further displacement of fragile eco-systems.
dotLocally-gathered surface stones.
Cruelty-free and suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
dot15% of profits donated to wildlife protection and re-naturing - also land-care education in developing countries.
A genuine approach to chemical-hazard-free crafting.
No plating. No casting. Nothing designed or made with computer software.
Carbon-inverted targets (Dedicated to putting more back into nature than taking from it).
Every detail handmade by Laibach.
No greenwash answers to customer questions.
No newly-mined gems ... ever.
dotAtelier Laibach is the first jewellery maker worldwide to use
The  About The NOVA Key Ethical Label Key ethical label.

Ethical Jewellery Gift Voucher
Atelier Laibach jewellery pouch
Your jewellery piece comes in a Kerstin Laibach handmade pouch made with bamboo / hemp, raffia and vegan sealing wax.


A Laibach creation using a customer's self-gathered stoneA Creation from Your Own Gathering Memory

Over time, you have probably walked along beaches or a lake-side picking up attractive pebbles that now hold sentimental value for you. Laibach is happy to examine the possibility of turning your own-gathered stones or sea-glass into beautiful jewellery. Kerstin Laibach's holistic approach explains how a cherished memory, lovingly crafted into a jewellery piece, is the cornerstone to achieving a whole sense of well-being through what you wear.

A Memory for Their Future...
Kerstin Laibach can also make pieces using stones collected from your own neighbourhood; it could even be a stone found in your own garden. A piece made with a connection to your hometown can make a wonderful and unique ceremonial gift for young family members ... i.e. baby's celebrations and coming-of-age events.

But before Kerstin can agree to make a piece from your own-gathered stone she will need to discuss with you its potential as an attractive finished piece. If accepted, you may also like to learn more about the area where your stone was gathered. If so, for a small extra charge, we can research the ecology of the local environment, and during this process we will endeavour to establish which aspect needs ecological support, either to help protect particular animals, birds and sea-life, or for conservation programmes. In some cases this may include humanitarian support. A percentage of your payment will be donated to the relevant animal, humanitarian or conservation organisation.
With your piece, you will also be presented with information about the ecology of the area from where you gathered your stone, along with details about the organisation/charity which has received the percentage donation.

A Laibach creation using a customer's self-gathered stone

This ring was designed and created by Kerstin Laibach for clients using their own surface gathered amber from a Baltic beach. The amber was not cut or polished in any way, and as with all Laibach pieces the ring was designed around the natural shape of the stone.

NOTE: Only individual pieces of amber hand-gathered from a beach surface is ethically acceptable to be used in a Laibach piece. We do not accept commercially mined amber of any type.

Piece shown with customer's permission.

If you would like Kerstin Laibach to create a bespoke piece using your own gathered stones please contact us to request our Information Sheet in PDF form, which provides further information on how to go about the design and ordering process.


If you are gathering a beach pebble for a possible Laibach creation, first find out if there are local rules about taking pebbles from the beach. Some overseeing authorities, in Great Britain for example, do not encourage pebble collecting from beaches in any amount. However, a pebble for a keepsake memory from permissible areas, where nature would not be adversely affected, is usually OK, but do make sure of the rules before taking anything. Once you have established the do's and dont's, stroll along the beach and only gather pebbles that initially catch your eye. Then, while still on the beach, carefully look at those you have gathered. Only keep the one which you think might be suitable for a jewellery stone and put the leftover pebbles back on the beach.
TIP: If you have problems finding permissible areas to gather a pebble for your piece, a great place to find interesting stones are on paths and driveways. These are stones that would have been extracted from beaches by the ton and sold for commercial and domestic use as building materials. If your friends or neigbours don't mind you perusing around their stone driveways or you see such stones that have spilled out onto public pathways on a Sunday stroll, then you may come across some interesting finds that could look amazing in a Laibach jewellery piece. Intersting pebbles can sometimes be found just lying around gardens. (But always ask permission first!)
These types of gathering areas mentioned above are where we often find the pebbles which you see in a Laibach piece.

Remember, never take pebbles from beaches in quantity, i.e. for garden or house decoration.


Eco-Locally Gathered
The Laibach Principle
Kerstin Laibach's commitment to wildlife and the environment
Contact and Discuss Your Piece
Creating new pieces from other keepsake items

Harpsway (P005-08) Kerstin Laibach Collection - Copyright
Above: Harpsway (P005-08) - quartzite center piece and drop